The Altha Phone
Hey Folks, This week we are launching our first product. The Altha Phone. It is a de-googled phone experience. We have been working on this project, as far as website and business idea, for about 6 weeks. I think it’s a good idea and a good move. We really…
TrueNAS – What is it and Why is it?
Hey There, TrueNAS is an operating system that provides some serious flexibility for the home and medium, and enterprise for that matter, business. It runs on FreeBSD, which is a little different than linux, but can lend itself to being very stable. It allows for your…
How We Do Wordpress Security
Hey There, Wordpress security is a concern. I was just talking to a sysadmin the other day and he made an off-hand comment about their frontend concerning the hardness of the website, “Well, it’s Wordpress, so…”. What he’s getting at is…
How an Initial Website Consultation Works
Hey There, Why do you need a website? Well, you may not need one. Like everything in IT, it depends. When we begin planning out a website with a customer the first question I usually ask is, “What do you want it to do?”. This is a good place to start as it…
What is Self-Hosting?
Hey There, Self-Hosting is the act of running your own online services from wherever you live. Many times systems administrators will pick up old equipment from their work, configure it at home, and run their own email server or website. They use open source software…
The Parts of a Website
When I am onboarding a customer I will start by asking the what they like or dislike about their website currently, then drive the conversation from their to solve whatever problem they have. If they are worried about censorship, I’ll start discussing the details about where their content current resides and how we can move it to a more secure location. This still revolves around the three things I need. DNS/Registration, Website files, and database. If they are worried about design, then I discuss what other websites they like and want theirs to look like, what functionality they may want, etc. Guess what? I still need those three things to do anything…
Linux vs. Microsoft
It’s hard to explain, but Linux is a purer type of computing than with Windows. It’s much harder to understand and use, but once you understand it, you just know it’s better. It is the computer operating system for builders. I have been using Linux extensively now for about 6 years, and I will admin it takes years to get used to it. I use Debian on my desktop and I’m writing this article on my laptop which is running Popos!, which is a type of Ubuntu, which is a type of Debian, which are all running Linux (See, it can get a little confusing)…
De-Googling – A History
You may not think that your data is important, because you aren’t some big important person. You are wrong. Every person is important, and when people in aggregate give up their sovereignty digitally they are giving up their rights. These companies are able to manipulate your mind, because you have allowed them to…
What are Containers?
Containers allow you to break up your workload on your server into smaller parts than virtualization does. Containers are designed to run with the host kernel, instead of it’s own on virtual hardware. Point being, there is no virtual hardware in a container. It is segmented using Linux cgroups and namespaces. Docker is the first very popular container application…
How to Livestream?
A livestream is built up of a few components. The inputs, the outputs, and the endpoints. Your inputs are your cameras, microphones, screen captures, video games, and guests. Your outputs are your video quality, keyframes, and rtmp URL’s to stream to. The endpoints are those platforms that you are streaming to. Youtube, Facebook, Rumble, etc. All of these inputs and outputs are managed by a few pieces of software that you can get for free…